What 10 Women Gave Up to Afford Their Travels

What 10 Women Gave Up to Afford Their Travels

by Agita Wijaya

They say that travel is the only spending thing that makes you richer. While this is true in terms of experience and life lessons, sometimes we do have to skimp and save here and there to afford that flight or those train tickets. This will of course come to fruition when it’s time to pack your bags, hop on that long-awaited flight, and finally arrive in your dream destination (Ahhhh, another glass of vino, please!). But until then, we asked 10 trailblazing women what they’ve given up to better afford their travels. Check out these great tips below:

What have you given up to save for your next trip?


“New clothes, shoes, and handbags. To top that off, I’ve also been working Friday and Saturday nights in a pub instead of going out every weekend for the last year. This is all totally worth it because I’m leaving for Phuket tomorrow morning!”

- Lucia La Viajera


“My full-time job. I now work intermittently as a Registered Nurse at my hospital making plenty of money to travel. I also make my own schedule, so I don’t have to plan around vacation hours and coworkers’ schedules. Some months I work 2 days, some months I work more than 15 days.”

- Shannon Jones


“I very rarely shop for new clothes or shoes, and pretty much never get my nails done. I only visit the hair salon 2–3 times a year, gave up smoking and switched to a vape, and didn’t sign up for cable or internet at home. My mobile plan has a free hotspot, and I also download Netflix movies onto my tablet. If I really want better streaming, I go to a local coffee shop down the street to support them.”

- Tracie Laine


“Having children.”
— Bee Perera


“I’ve stopped drinking and ordering desserts when I go out! Not only is it better for my health, but also, I can save $10–20 per meal by avoiding these two things, which is great for my wallet!”
— Annie Fairfax


“To afford my travels, I gave up my apartment. My husband and I are “nomadic” now, and not having the overhead of the apartment means we can travel full time.”

- Kat Landreth


“I gave up my unfulfilling, travel date-restricted teaching job, and stumbled into the world of Network Marketing 4 years ago. Now, I work as I travel and I have actually partnered in a travel agency!”

- Christine Keegan


“I gave up my own place. I’ve been living at home, it helps me save some money. I also took a job in China to help me financially while I’m exploring that part of the world.”

- Lauren Youngerman


“Everything! I barely ever eat out and I cook from scratch (even bread!). I haven’t bought new clothes (other than decent winter shoes for Germany) in what feels like forever. I now cut my own hair and don’t use hair products (no shampoo or anything).”

- Hannah Smith


“To be completely honest, I gave up alcohol. When a cocktail is $10 a pop — no thanks. Putting that money in the bank to save up for a flight!”

-Morgan Ackley

How about you? What have you given up to be able to afford your travels?

Once you’ve saved, where are you heading next?!

We, at Creative Edge Travel, are heading to off-the-beaten path Tuscany this Spring and we’d love for you to join us! Check out our awesome itinerary and cultural experiences.

Still not sure? Feel free to schedule a call with Sierra, our Founder.